Religious Education in Church of England Schools

The teaching of religious education (RE) in schools is statutory up to the age of 18, this includes those schools who convert to academy. The Church of England Education Office has produced an ‘RE Statement of Entitlement’ which give clear guidance and advice on the teaching of RE in schools.

NEW RE Statement of Entitlement 2019

Religious Education the Local Agreed Syllabus, Understanding Christianity & SIAMS

For guidance on the above please click here.

Religious Education Diocesan Guidance

For those schools who are VA (Voluntary Aided), or schools that were previously VA and are now academies, you can use the diocesan religious education guidance instead of your local agreed syllabus for RE.

For those schools who were VC (Voluntary Controlled) and are now academies you can also use the diocesan religious education guidance instead of your local agreed syllabus for RE.

For those schools who are VC (Voluntary Controlled) you must use your local agreed syllabus for RE, but may wish to use other resources, such as the diocesan religious education guidance to supplement your local agreed syllabus for RE.

Diocesan Religious Education Guidance 

The Parables of Jesus Guidance

The diocese has written guidance on teaching the parables of Jesus. Click on the link below to view this.

Diocesan Parables of Jesus Guidance & Pupil Exemplar Materials

Understanding Christianity

To find out about this resource from RE Today click on the link below.

Understanding Christianity


Schools Interfaith Week 14-21 November 2021

​The Week is a great opportunity for pupils to explore inter faith issues and for schools to build relationships with faith, belief and inter faith groups in their community

Click on the link above for ideas for in-person classroom and whole-school activities as well as ones with a virtual dimension, for example with outside speakers joining online.

Religious Education online dictionary

RE definitions online will explain the religious term and tell you how this is pronounced. To go to website click here.

‘Come follow Christ in the Footsteps of St Chad’

This is Bishop Michael’s vision for the Diocese of Lichfield. This is to be explored through three key themes:




The following resource on St Chad can be used by schools to explore the life, teachings and influence of the first Bishop of Lichfield.

Please click on the image below to explore the resource.

Easter Resources

The resources below could be used to teach pupils about Easter:

Easter Connections

Walk through Holy Week and Easter

The Easter Themed Web Links below has resources for EYFS:

Easter Themed Web Links

An Easter resource that focuses on Christ’s Passion through Art. This would be suitable for KS2 & KS3:

Easter – The Passion through Art

Easter drop down day resource. Click on link below for more details:

Holy Week and Easter RE Drop Down Day

Easter learning packs

UKS2 and KS3 What do Christians remember and celebrate during Holy Week and Easter

Lower Key Stage 2 Why is Easter Important to Christians home pack

EYFS Easter Holy Week Home Learning Pack

Teaching about Holy Communion (Eucharist)

This is an old resource but you might find some of the ideas it contains useful.

Holy Communion in Schools

The Bible Project

This is a fabulous resource exploring the Bible. Excellent videos and accompanying resources. To find out more watch the YouTube clip below:

Click here to go to website to explore this resource and what it has to offer.

EYFS story books

Useful story books from pickabook that are values based. Click on the links below to go to the particular value based story books, or click on pickabook above:

Values for Life – Compassion

Values for Life – Courage

Values for Life – Creativity

Values for Life – Forgiveness

Values for Life – Friendship

Values for Life – Generosity

Values for Life – Hope

Values for Life – Humility

Values for Life – Justice

Values for Life – Peace

Values for Life – Perseverance

Values for Life – Respect and Reverence

Values for Life – Responsibility

Values for Life – Service

Values for Life – Thankfulness

Values for Life – Trust

Values for Life – Truthfulness

Values for Life – Wisdom