For clergy or chaplains that are linked to schools the following resources might be useful.
Deeply Christian: Serving the Common Good. This document set out the CofE vision for education with an emphasis on ‘life in all its fullness’. Four themes run throughout the document: (1) Wisdom, Knowledge & Skills; (2) Hope and Aspiration; (3) Dignity & Respect; (3) Community & Living Well Together. Click here for the document.
Fruits of the Spirit. This CofE document focuses on character development in education with our young people. Click here for the document.
Collective Worship Websites. This document gives some suggested websites that might be useful in planning worship in schools. Click here for the document.
Nigel Roberts Presentation: The Gift of Chaplaincy 5th February 2018 click here.
In addition to Nigel’s presentation above there are accompanying notes that develop his thoughts more fully click here for these.
Suggested Reading. The following were suggested reading from the Chaplaincy Training led by Nigel Roberts on 5th February 2018. These are:
School Chaplaincy an Introduction by David Pohlman

Fresh Experiences of School Chaplaincy by Diane Tregale

Chapter 8 Pedagogy of Hope by Kitty te Riele found in the book Making Schools Different.

Other organisations that support chaplains are:
Click on image above to go to website.
Click on image above to go to website.
Click on image above to go to website.
Click on image above to go to website.
Click on image above to open pdf on a chaplains role in schools in Scotland.
Click on image above to go to website. This is a Catholic model of chaplaincy.
Click on the above to open pdf chaplaincy guidance for Woodard Schools.