
Stand alone academies

Academies comprise of three charities that work interdependently.

  1. The academy trust (academy proprietor) is the charity. the academy is the charitable activity of the academy trust.
  2. The governors of the academy trust are charity trustees and company directors
  3. The charity usually called the foundation, which holds the land and buildings on the trust for the provision of a school and/or for specified religious and educational purposes.

Groups of Academies

An academy trust that run a number of academy schools is called a multi-academy trust. the above three charities applies but;

  • the academy trust is one single charity
  • the directors of the academy trust are the charity trustees and company directors
  • each individual school may have its own governors (sitting on a local governing body), but in this arrangement they are not charity trustees: they are sub-committees with delegated authority

Use of the Site

Unlike Voluntary schools academies occupy the premises through formal agreements.

The Playing Fields

These are usually owned by the local authority. The agreement is a 125 year lease. The Academy Trust is responsible for maintenance and insurance. Consent is required for works. A sub lease cannot be granted.

The Buildings

The agreement for the land and buildings owned by the charitable foundation is the Church Supplemental Agreement (CSA). It is most akin to a Licence that allows the academy trust to occupy whilst it fulfils the purposes of the foundation. The academy trust is responsible for maintenance and insurance. Consent is required for works. Insurance is to be in the joint names of the foundation and the academy trust. The foundations assets are not to be valued in the academy trust accounts.

Capital and Revenue Expenditure

The definitions used in the voluntary schools section above apply. The academy’s Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State applies.

Capital Grant

Devolved Formula Capital (DFC)

The formula allocation for VC schools applies. DFC is paid to the academy trust.

Condition Improvement Fund (CIF)

This is the equivalent fund for academies for condition work. it is subject to a competitive bid process. Details of the annual fund can be found at Condition Improvement Fund
Remember the CSA requires approval to works.

School Expansion

The Local Authority has the duty to ensure sufficient school places are provided. Governing bodies cannot be directed to expand their school. The process should be one of agreement.

The LA responsibility to provides places does not automatically mean it commissions and undertakes building work at VA schools or academies. This should be by agreement and protect the governors’ premises responsibilities by way of collateral warranties from the contractor and any party with a design role.

Particular Church School Requirements

Denominational Inspection

A school with a Religious Character is subject to section 48 (denominational) inspection. The inspection will look for physical expression of the religious character of the school in

1 Displays or symbol in the school entrance – allow space and provide focus lighting.

2.The suitability of the school hall for collective worship:

i. being big enough for the whole school to gather together – demonstrate by furniture layout;

ii. that worship is an important part of the life of the school – demonstrate by being able to change the mood of the hall for worship and lighing and having wall space for Christian symbols, and, at times, room for a communion table, (demonstrated through furniture layout).

3. Aids to contemplation/reflection – a quiet area in the grounds and display space inside.

Christian Values

It is Christian understanding that each person is unique and special to God. Our purpose is to love each other as an outworking of God’s love to us.

Listed below are some ways in which Christian values can be expressed through how the school is managed and designed. Whilst they are particularly relevant to significant change in the premises they apply to any change and how decisions are made on what to do.

  • Creativity      Mankind made in God’s image is creative and should pursue excellence making the very most of the design. Quality materials designed and assembled in a first class way.
  • Care of the world      Exercised in the choices of materials, construction methods and design so as to reduce the energy demand to heat, cool and light the building. The expectation is that design will rely on natural ventilation rather than energy intensive and costly mechanical ventilation.
  • Community      Sufficient space to worship together as a school. Space to promote positive interaction; dining together and in socialising in small groups both inside and outside. A welcoming building, where the entrance is clear and without barriers ( physical or visual) that would exclude anyone and with generous space to greet and welcome visitors.
  • Symbols and Symbolism     As an aid to the worship of God. Expressing in the design (and artwork) something of the ‘otherness’ of God. this could be in the contrast of scale of the large and the small, light and shade, in intricate detail, colour and material.


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