19 May – 23 May 2025
2 June – 13 June 2025
£4.00 per pupil
19 and 20th May will be reserved for year 8 pupils only. All other dates are open to years 4 and 6. Schools who have mixed year groups can apply for year 3/4 and year 5/6 classes.
‘Our Shared World’
Join us at Lichfield Cathedral and be INSPIRED for the day through interactive, inspirational, spiritual, reflective & deep learning.
Through this year’s theme, ‘Our Shared World,’ we will be engaging with the concepts of spirituality, well-being, and courageous advocacy, as well as exploring the beautiful Cathedral. As the pupils engage with each of the interactive sessions, they will be challenged to consider their own and others’ worldviews.
Inspire will also be a great opportunity to:
- Experience the awe and wonder of Lichfield Cathedral
- Meet with Christians and discover how their faith influences their lives.
- Meet with other schools and share experiences.
- Reflect on some of the big questions facing us today.
In recent years this event has been sold out within days, as places will be allocated on a first come bases we encourage you to act quickly.
To apply please complete the form below. Please complete a separate application form for each year group applying for.
Applications will be open until the end of Friday 25 October 2024 and places will be allocated and confirmed by 31 December 2024. Unfortunately we do not have any funding available to help with transport costs, we therefore suggest that schools explore transport availability and costs as early as possible.