Lead by: Matthew Welton
‘SIAMS inspection plays an important role in the improvement of Church schools. It does this by affirming that which is effective and by highlighting key areas for improvement. By focusing on impact above all else, SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives the work, and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.’
During this full day together the LDBE team will explore the SIAMS 2023 Framework, so that leaders can be confident in answering the key questions:
- Who are we?
- What are we doing here?
- How, then, shall we live?
Throughout the day sessions will be led by LDBE officers to explore:
- What are the changes to the SIAMS Framework and what do they mean for my school and academy trusts?
- Who are we? Considering the specific context of the school.
- What are we doing here? Responding to the school’s context with a theologically rooted Christian vision.
- How then shall we live and learn together? Exploring each inspection question considering how impact might be evidenced.
The day will provide leaders from different schools to collaborate, explore impact and share best practice in relation to each of the Inspection Questions. It is hoped that the outcomes from each of these discussions will be helpful for school leaders to reviewing their own Summary SIAMS Self-Evaluation Template.
Please note: Refreshments will be provided but please bring a packed lunch.
Time: Registration 9:15 a.m. for 9:30 a.m. start – 15:30 p.m.
Free to 2 delegates per school, £75.00 to all subsequent delegates.
Please note: we reserve the right to cancel any training event if there is less than 10 delegates booked.
Date: 13 February 2025
Venue: St Regis CofE Academy, Wolverhampton