This course will be offered as a one day in person event and repeated in 3 twilight sessions, you must commit to all 3 sessions if you choose this option. Please choose the correct booking form below.

Please note: we reserve the right to cancel any training event if there is less than 10 delegates booked.

Lead by: Alex Wolvers & Rebecca Nash

 A full day training suitable for those who want a recap of their knowledge of Understanding Christianity. The course will go through the thinking behind the Understanding Christianity resource, how it is structured, the main themes, use of the frieze, and how to use the resource to plan lessons that are balanced, inspirational and promote children’s religious literacy and understanding of Christianity. 

Supporting Resources:

  • (schools will need a log-in to access the teaching resources. This will be issued to any schools that do not already have one after the training). 

Free of charge to schools in the Diocesan Service Agreement, £75.00 to all other delegates. 


  • On-line Dates: Tuesday 4th, 11th & 18th March 2025 (Must attend all three sessions)
  • Time: 15:30 p.m. – 17:00 p.m.

Booking Form In Person Session Thursday 30th January 2024


Thank you for your interest but enrolment to this course is now fully booked.



Booking Form On-line Twilight Sessions

This course is being offered over 3 twilight sessions, By completing this application form you are committing to attend all 3 sessions. Dates: Thursday 4th, 11th & 18th March 2025, Time: 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.