This on-line course is being offered over 2 twilight sessions and you must commit to both sessions.

Lead by: Mark Davis & Alex Wolvers

Surely Church of England is just a name above the door? In fact, the Church of England collectively represents over 20% of the school system in England! Join us to understand the sector you work in as Mark Davis and Alex Wolvers explore the history that underpins our church schools, how they came into existence, who set them up and the changes over time that have created the system that we have today. We examine how church schools are unique and special and impact your practice.

Dates: 21 October 2024 & 25/11/2024 (you must attend both sessions).

Time: 15:30 p.m. – 17:00 p.m.

Venue: On-line

Cost: Free to schools in the Diocesan Service Agreement, £75.00 to all other schools

Booking Form

This course is being offered over 2 twilight sessions, By completing this application form you are committing to attend both sessions. Dates: Monday 21st October & 25th November 2024,Time: 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.