Following Synod elections in October 2024 there will be an election process for a newly constituted LDBE Committee. If you would like further details on the role or would like to be considered for nomination please contact [email protected]
Scheduled upcoming meetings of the Lichfield DBE Committee
18 September 2024
3 December 2024
5 March 2025
2 July 2025
16 September 2025
2 December 2025
- to promote or assist in the promotion of education in the Diocese that is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England;
- to promote or assist in the promotion of religious education and religious worship in schools in the Diocese;
- to promote or assist in the promotion of church schools in the Diocese;
- to promote co-operation between itself and other persons concerned with education in the Diocese
The powers of the DBE are:
- The organisation of church schools (eg, opening/closing schools, acquiring faith designation, change of category, converting to academy status)
- Consent for physical alterations and work to premises for specific categories of church school
- To provide direction to governing bodies and trustees in specific circumstances
- To provide consultation procedures for admission arrangements
- To seek to serve and equip our schools, academies and churches to ensure:
- A generous and excellent Christian education with is both distinctive and inclusive;
- Sustainability and growth;
- Partnership working to transform communities.
- To take seriously their responsibility to ensure high quality:
- Leadership, management and governance;
- Curriculum innovation with ambitious standards;
- Inspirational school buildings and facilities;
- Sustainable community transformation.
- A Commitment to working in partnership with others to:
- Provide world class education that is aspirational and motivational;
- Ensure that every child, young person and adult within the diocesan family receives; every opportunity to flourish and fulfil their God given potential.
- To contribute to the DBE as the ‘foundation body’ which:
- Holds statutory responsibilities;
- Appoints Foundation Governors;
- Offers advice and guidance in relation to significant areas including governance, admissions, Christian distinctiveness and ethos.
Membership of The Board of Education
Board members can be contacted via the Chair at [email protected]
The Revd Preb Michael Metcalf (Chair)
(Bishop’s Appointment)
Michael is a retired Anglican priest previously serving as a vicar and rural dean; Diocesan Director of Education; Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies and RE and OU Tutor. Michael has an MA in Maths and Theology from Cambridge and an MA from Birmingham in research in modern church music. A founder member and treasurer since 1993 of the National Association of SACREs. Michael is married with two adult children with interests including inter-faith engagement, music, bridge and bird watching.
The Venerable Dr Megan Smith
(Bishop’s Appointment)
Megan originally studied medicine, specialising in Paediatric Intensive Care and, following ordination, combined her curacy with medical work in Nottingham, before entering full-time ordained ministry as Vicar of Lenton and chaplain to the University of Nottingham in 2012. Lenton is a vibrant and diverse community, home to university campuses and many people from minority ethnic backgrounds. Her work has seen her build others in discipleship and leadership and working closely with schools and families in the community. Megan’s theological study has included a doctorate looking at the impact on faith when young adults transition to university. Megan was appointed Archdeacon of Stoke-upon-Trent in 2021.
The Revd Iain Baker
(Elected by Synod)
Iain has been Vicar of St Thomas Kidsgrove since 2003. He met and married Jane there and they have two daughters. Iain is passionate about the opportunities Church of England schools offer in enabling Children to have a rounded education of the highest quality while experiencing something of the love of Jesus in their day to day community life. He is delighted to be able to serve on the DBE and would welcome comments and suggestions from anyone in the diocese.
Mrs Tracey Cansdale
(Elected by Synod)
Tracey has lived and worked in the Diocese of Lichfield since 2003 both in inner-city Wolverhampton and rural Shropshire. She is currently headteacher of a 5-class village primary school and is passionate about seeing village communities flourish. Tracey has a background as a solicitor which is useful for understanding how the academisation agenda is changing the governance structure of education. Tracey worships at her local church, Holy Trinity Meole Brace in Shrewsbury and loves seeing the way schools, families and church can interact and the way churches and schools can embrace ‘Growing Faith’ together. She has three children of her own who are now all young adults, but they have helped her experience a range of schools as a parent too.
Dr Juliet Drummond
Juliet has worked in the NHS for 15 years in various roles: medicine, public health, governance, and safety and quality assurance at the board level. She joined education at the University of Wolverhampton in 2012, as a Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing. Her primary responsibility is to support and enhance the quality of learning, teaching, assessment, and feedback for pre and post-registration students. Juliet works closely with stakeholders and practice partners to improve service provision and outcomes for patients/service users. In addition Juliet is chairperson for the Global Majority (formerly BAME) Staff Network, which involves raising awareness of staff members’ experiences and development. This role involves listening to members’ voices and seeking out how issues raised can be resolved by working with various departments. Duties include supporting and engaging in Black History Month and Asian and other relevant festivals to ensure a sense of belonging and representation within the organisation. As a Dr in Health and Well-being she supervises and examines research doctoral students. In her spare time Juliet enjoys art, painting, playing the piano, and conversation with family, friends and life groups.
Revd Dr Capt David Isiorho
David is Rector of the Loggerheads Benefice in North Staffordshire and is an active foundation governor of the two Church Schools in the the Benefice. Having previously been chair of Governors at two other Church Schools in Bradford and Birmingham and a member of the Peterborough Diocesan Board of Education, David brings a knowledge of school governance spanning 30 years and a commitment to further the Christian education of young minds. David also believes that he could identify issues and ask questions relating to equality and inclusion.
Mr Malcolm Maclean
(Elected by Synod)
Malcolm was elected to Synod in 2021 and recently elected to serve on DBE. He is active in his local Deanery and a current Lay Chair for Edgmond & Shifnal. Malcolm also enjoys serving his local CofE Primary school as a Foundation Governor and is trustee with the Brooke’s educational foundation.
Mrs Helen Robertson
(Elected by Synod)
Helen is a serving headteacher in a Church of England Primary School and has also been a Vice-Chair of a Academy Trust Board and a Chair of a local governing body. Helen is both passionate and enthusiastic for church school education and understand the pressures facing both schools and Diocesan leaders in sustaining distinctly Christian schools.
Mr Cyril Randles
Cyril read mathematics at University, and then taught at a grammar school before becoming a senior lecturer at a college of education. following a period as a large systems support manager for IBM, Cyril worked as a independent consultant in the banking industry. For many years Cyril has been a churchwarden, a member of Diocesan Synod and Bishop’s Council and he sits on the LDBE where he Chairs the Barchester Committee.
Mr David Smith
David is principal of Walsall Blue Coat Church of England Academy, previously head of mathematics at a Catholic school and a deputy head at a community school. A committed and practicing Anglican and advocate of the considerable benefits of faith schools.