
The Academy Trust (AT) occupies trustee land by way of the Church Supplemental Agreement (CSA). In the CSA;

8b) The site trustees undertake to the SoS to make the trust land available for use by the academy company

14) The academy company meets the cost of repair, maintenance and insurance.

14a) The trustees are to facilitate upkeep

14a) The academy company is to make good damage or deterioration to condition

18) The trustees acknowledge the power of the SoS to pay capital grant to the AT

18a) The SoS acknowledges the right of the trustees to consent to works on the land.

18b) The SoS acknowledges the trustee interest in ensuring works are carried out properly

In pursuance of the terms of the CSA a License for Works will be required for Church of England academies in the Diocese of Lichfield. For further information please contact [email protected]