The DBE fulfils its responsibilities in relation to the appointment and removal of foundation governors in line with its vision for schools: to promote a holistic, values based education that is deeply Christian, serving the common good.

This form should be used for DBE foundation governor nominations. The recommendation may be for a new appointment or a recommendation that an individual whose term is expiring continues for another term. In both instances all questions should be answered as fully as possible.

You will be notified of the outcome by letter after the next scheduled DBE Committee meeting. New foundation governors are appointed subject to a satisfactory application being made to the Disclosure and Barring Service for a criminal records certificate. This is undertaken by the school.

The appointment is also conditional on the completion of the LDBE induction course for both new appointments and re-appointments within 6 months of receiving the conditional letter of appointment.


Please note that it is Diocesan policy not to appoint employees of the school as foundation governors / LAC member except in very special circumstances.
Foundation governors have the same core objectives as any other member of the governing body as set out in the Department for Education’s Governance Handbook; Setting Vision, ethos and strategic direction along with the Headteacher; Holding the head teacher to account for teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety. Challenging and strengthening their leadership; Ensuring finances are managed well leading to probity, solvency and effective use of resources.
I am not disqualified from serving as a school governor/director.

I am aged 18 or over at the date of this application.

I am not bankrupt or subject to a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 or the Insolvency Act 1986.

I have not been removed from an office of a charity trustee or trustee for a charity by an order made by the Charity Commissioners or the High Court.

I am not included in the list (List 99) of teachers and workers with children or young persons whose employment is prohibited or restricted.

I am not disqualified from being the proprietor of any independent school or for being a teacher or other employee in any school.

I have not received a sentence of imprisonment, suspended or otherwise.

I have not been fined, in the five years prior to applying to become a governor/director for causing a nuisance or disturbance on educational premises.


I am willing to serve as a Foundation Governor, if appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education.

I agree to support and maintain the Christian Foundation and Voluntary Status of this school and to support the principles underlying the school’s Trust Deed, by ensuring the school is distinctively Christian, and that Christian values, principles and beliefs are central to its ethos, curriculum, relationships and work.

I agree to familiarise myself with my duties as a Foundation Governor and the work of the school.

I agree to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service check.

If at any time, I consider that I can no longer be bound by the terms of this Declaration, I confirm that I will immediately submit in writing my resignation.