The following describes the main focus and work of the LDBE. These are to:
- To promote a holistic, values-based education (founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ) that is both distinctiveand
- To develop our schools that are rooted in their communities, celebrating diversity.
- To honour the history and tradition of individual schools in their local contexts.
- To work withand alongside converting schools, in order to develop a strategy for change and improvement that is relevant and practical.
- To build on strength; support the weak; enable all members of the school community to flourish.
- To work with partners to ensure that the curriculum and all aspects of school life and experience are appropriate to the needs of the school community.
- To work with partners to ensure sustainable high standards and outcomes for all pupils, so that schools and academies become beacons of good practice that are able to support other schools in turn that need help.
- To build leadership capacity for all staff and pupils.
The LDBE has particular expertise in promoting the Christian distinctiveness of its schools which includes collective worship, religious education, mission and the new SIAMS agenda. Its strong links at the strategic level with Local Authorities, the DfE and the Church of England Board of Education enables it to act as an advocate and champion for Church schools and academies. Additionally it is able to act as a broker and conduit for the range of services that CE academies and maintained schools might wish to access.
The Church has a particular vision of education as a life-changing experience. Whilst it accepts that schools must prepare their pupils and students for work, it also believes that schools must prepare young people for life. The Church believes that all people are made in the image of God, and therefore they have the capacity to grow towards full maturity as human beings, as God intends. Our philosophy of education is based on a Trinitarian theology;
- God the Father (Creation):The establishment of a happy, harmonious and safe community based explicitly on Christian values. Defining/establishing boundaries and a clear moral framework in which children can flourish.
- God the Son (Incarnation/Redemption):Modelling Christian values: embodying the distinctive Christian character within the life of the school. Proclaiming God’s love for all humanity in the world. Welcoming all, including those from other religious traditions.
- God the Holy Spirit (Transformation):Enabling all children (and colleagues) to achieve their full potential. Changing lives. Building capacity.